May 1st, 2019

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Towards a Structure of SIKE

“Predicting and validating a model of Suppressor of IKKepsilon through biophysical characterization” by Megan L. Machek, Halie A. Sonnenschein, Sasha-Kaye I. Graham, Flowreen Shikwana, Seung-Hwan L. Kim, Selena Garcia-Dubar, Ian D. Minzer, Ryan Wey & Jessica K. Bell.

In Press in Protein Science

April 26th. 2018

Understanding the biological functions of SIKE

"Suppressor of IKKepsilon forms direct interactions with cytoskeletal proteins, tubulin and α-actinin, linking innate immunity to the cytoskeleton" by Halie A. Sonnenschein, Kenneth F. Lawrence, Karli A. Wittenberg, Frank A. Slykas, Emerald L. Dohleman, Jilan B. Knoublauch, Sean M. Fahey, Timothy M Marshall, Jr., James D. Marion and  Jessica K. Bell 


Made the Cover!

Made the Cover!

April 21st., 2018Michael Schwabe, Winner, Proteins & Enzymes, Halie Sonnenschein, Honorable Mention, Cell Signaling, at the 2018 ASBMB Undergraduate Research Poster Competition: Congratulations!September 2017New Pedagogical Research Project on C…

April 21st., 2018

Michael Schwabe, Winner, Proteins & Enzymes, Halie Sonnenschein, Honorable Mention, Cell Signaling, at the 2018 ASBMB Undergraduate Research Poster Competition: Congratulations!

September 2017

New Pedagogical Research Project on CUREs funded by NSF

CONGRATULATIONS Timothy Marshall, Honorable Mention in the 2018 American Society for Cell Biology Undergraduate Poster Competition

CONGRATULATIONS Timothy Marshall, Honorable Mention in the 2018 American Society for Cell Biology Undergraduate Poster Competition